Thursday 26 February 2009

sleep is precious

whoa. SSEF is driving my group nuts. I'm going almonds and cashews. Help!
Other than hewei, we are the only other people who can help us. Reality check in place.
This is the craziest time in hc I've ever experienced so far.
I actually chionged the Time Tunnel while sitting in the bus, and continued to scribble furiously even when standing in the MRT.
My sanity has gone on a vacation.

Julia, congratulations for finishing your exams! Take a good break, chill out. Because you deserve it! =D

Reached home at 9.30pm, and quickly proceeded to wolf my dinner down. (howl....howl...) It was one of those moments when you're too mentally exhausted to even sense hunger. But the first spoonful of rice broke me out of the inertia. Hehe, I rarely eat this quickly. Just wanted to quickly get over with the daily chores of eating and bathing, so that I could get started on the GP homework, study for chem SPA tomorrow, and prepare for tomorrow's mock presentation at NUS.

My eyelids feel like lead.
My mind is a void.
But 2 functions still exist within it.

#define PlaySnd(x) _PlaySnd(x,(long)&SNDTBL_MYBRAIN,256)

just keep my eyelids apart!

I leave this to your imagination.

void main()
keepEyesOpen ();

It's a loop that we all can't escape from.

P.S. the #define part was koped from our Sensory coding. Hahaha =D Don't you miss coding?

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