Sunday 8 February 2009

a blur squid.

Just did something really dumb a moment ago.

Stuffed the memory stick pro duo from my dad's digicam into my laptop's SD/memory stick slot without much thought (and with considerable force) to transfer the pics and videos inside to my computer.


And why of course, it got stuck inside.

As Pearlynne would have said with disdain,

"You win lor."

*embarassed smile*

Alas, I found a suitable pair of pliers to extricate the object of my desires and...for that moment... horrors. The 4GB memory stick pro duo escaped relatively unscathed, with the exception of some fashionable inconspicuous abrasions on its body.

Memory stick pro duo, grunge style!


Conducted Ambi's user test today; Jiang Ying and Lu Theng came over to my house.
Thank you to Hewei for bringing Ambi over!

Unfortunately, our furry electron-blooded contraption decided to malfunction as soon as we introduced kids to her... Although I must say that it was not entirely her fault, because the P3 boy who first interacted with her was disturbingly violent towards her. Furious, I decided to stupefy him with some SAT vocabulary... but to no avail, as he could not comprehend my words.

(the boy didn't even know what a 'contraption' was, and couldn't even pronounce it properly. He should really spend more time with good old books, and cut down on his caveman-style fighting habits) And yes, I admit to having a femtosecond-long impulse to kill him.

Ok I was kidding about attempting to stun the boy with vocab. I was just trying to shoo him away as lutheng looked for loose connections in the circuitry.

Somehow, the wire connections from the microphone got yanked out by that miniature male menace. Fixed it back somewhat, but the bear is now suicidal and repeatedly 'hangs' during gameplay. The response time is also pretty ridiculous now. Sigh. What went wrong?

Later, my neighbour's P2 son and K2 daughter came along. Must really thank this neighbour for being so helpful... Their mum kindly allowed them to play with our robot! Her kids were well-mannered and provided us with plenty of feedback. Ohh- and the girl, Adeline, has such adorable eyes. Not overly big, with lusciously long lashes. (like her mum) So cute!!! =)

And the boy couldn't get enough of Ambi... Hahaha... He kept coming back to my house to ask if we were done with fixing the robot. Fact was, we gave up on trying to fix it, and were working on the report. (yay, they like Ambi!)

I didn't do any homework today. Immense guilt has been encircling my mind... and it's likely to continue doing so even as I drift on to dreamland in a few minutes' time. Shall pia schoolwork tomorrow. Cannot lose to my 'enemy'!

Not posting pics of the user test, in case the kids' parents get unhappy over it. So here are some photos I took of my mum's new plants during CNY. Happy viewing!

Flower pics taken with sony cybershot N2 on manual mode. No photoshopping at ALL!
Love this camera to smithereens.

Ambi and us in happier times... specifically, on the day of 6c class chalet.
(it was working fine!) Thanks to Hewei for his DSLR and Qingzhong for taking the pic for us. hehe (it's a private joke only we understand.)

When one has weighed the sun in the balance, and measured the steps of the moon, and mapped out the seven heavens, there still remains oneself. Who can calculate the orbit of his own soul? -Oscar Wilde

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