Thursday 18 November 2010

My laptop has a good chance of passing the Turing test!

Trying out last year's cg1101 paper... And I forgot how to read in a text file with the string of numbers "111" such that the 1s will be split up in an array...
My computer laughed!

Here's a closer look!

Cheeky computer.
On hindsight, it must have been tracking what I've typed so far, or it wouldn't have known that colon D is my favourite emoticon. :D

I finally figured it out, after 1 hour of frustration. And I don't feel any smarter. On the contrary, I think my intelligence today has hit an all-new low. Must sleep by 11pm from now on. >_<

In case anyone had trouble with that too, (I doubt so, but anyway!!) here's the code.
Note the 4. NOTE THE 4.

Bleddy number 4 wasted 1hr of my youth!!!!! To make it worse, I'm gonna be 20 soon.

Have a nice day, everyone. :D

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