Thursday 4 November 2010

brain hack!

Just broke one of my own records!

Haven't slept a wink since 5am today... which means that I have stayed awake for nearly 22 hours consecutively.

All thanks to the tutorials. Luckily, this week's tutorials are pretty easy. In fact, I'm stunned by how fast I completed this week's cs1231 tutorial! It usually takes me ages.
But surface integrals for ma1505 is another story. :P It's a different; depressingly melancholic story... That's the way it goes for engineering math, I suppose?

Practice(paper, ink, a hell lot of time, a hell lot of hard work);

Darn. I couldn't resist typing that. :P

Before I get some well-deserved sleep, here's a really interesting site I found today:

This guy writes about pretty interesting stuff... And meticulously places them in magazine-like templates. His designing skills are really good too! You gotta read it to appreciate how much effort he spends on writing interesting essays, accompanied with equally, if not more awesome website designs which he creates for EACH essay! Now that's unorthodox. :D It really set my imagination ablaze. Whee!

Did you know that it might be possible to 'hack' your brain (not with a blunt metal object, hehehe) so that you don't have to sleep so many hours every night... while still feeling energetic throughout the day?

I don't think most of us are in a good position to try this, though. The time schedule which society considers to be 'normal' is way too widespread for us to take so many short naps throughout the day. Nevertheless, it's an intriguing idea.


The welfare pack from the SoC computer club actually contains a GLOWING STICK!!! Oddly, my mum was the one who found it in the pack. I was oblivious to it until she told me. :P How thoughtful of them to appeal to the inner geek in all SoCians! :D :D :D (i.e. lightsaber substitute, since I don't think anyone has figured out how to stop/break a laser beam in mid-air without blocking it with any visible material??)

My childhood days are long gone, but I just can't stop marvelling at how the liquid in the stick appears to be yellow in light, and glows a very mesmerizing blue when you view it in the dark. No matter how old you are, you just HAVE to admit that glowing sticks are SO COOL! :D Thank you, computer club!

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