Friday 14 May 2010

what does MLIA mean?

Last night I was at a school sporting event where the ref made a terrible call. Amid all the boos and jeers i heard someone yell "May the fleas of a thousand camels infest the crotch of you, and may your arms be to short to scratch!" MLIA

Yesterday, I read a bumper sticker that said "buckle up; it makes it harder for the aliens to abduct you from your car". Needless to say this sticker will single handedly make the roads much safer. MLIA\

Today in my middle school while me and a friend were walking to class, a boy with a red shirt and blue overalls passed by us with his I Touch, which had a Super Mario Bros. soundboard app on it, walking to the theme song while making jump noises. We then proceeded to follow him straight to his homeroom, which he played the victory theme while cheering. I must make friends with this boy. MLIA

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