Monday 8 June 2009

whee! I'm legal! Uhh. So I can't do illegal stuff?

Thank you to...

Nina for your lunch invitation today. hehe.

Jen for sending me your sms at 11.04pm. hahaha...

Jael and Shu Hui for sending their birthday melodies over at 12 midnight exactly. So qiao ah. You both sent the birthday song to me at the same time!

Chun Ling for your heartwarming sms... Oh, the heartburn!

Chuan Khim for his birthday wishes over msn.

(yep, in chronological order again! Don't you just love it?)
(on a sidenote, I'm really doubtful about the MIT thing. I'm not really up to it...)

Jael, don't worry about not being the first to sing the birthday song to me k! Sometimes life whizzes by at the speed of light, and we have to take into account the effects of time dilation.

Man... what am I talking about?

What do I want for my birthday? A sony alpha 700 dslr.
But I've decided to work after the A levels to finance the astronomical expenses of my newfound interest.
AIM: Earn 2000 bucks in 2 months, spend a maximum of $1500 on the fancy encapsulated techno-surrounded pentaprism and its peripherals! Save the other $500.

What do I really want for my birthday?
My family and friends... You know who you are. :D
All of you are worth so much to me that if I ever decided to sell you all off for money, it'd cause a really bad inflation, when consumption starts to increase, and AD increases, and the AD curve shifts right, bla bla bla econs bla bla you get the idea.

My parents bought a cake today too. awh. >_<

To many, I look like a secondary school child.
But you all definitely made me feel like an 18 year old today.

Thank you - for being part of my life.

Thank you Shu Hui for your ultra cute birthday card! :D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!