Monday 1 June 2009


Originally wanted to continue with my previous grandmother story post about what happened at Robopreneur on Friday... But well, I'm not that old yet. I shall continue with that post on another day. :P

stoned/played taptap revenge 2 (online!) for the whole day today.

Before you scold me for slacking, I just want to say that I have still been very hardworking... at the cellular level. (8km on exercise bike! :D )

Ahh. Jokes aside, I felt like a lousy friend on Sunday.
I couldn't give you many inspiring examples, because I've received undivided attention from my parents since I was born. (which isn't as great as you all think, honestly.) I don't know how it feels to be neglected while your sibling basks in parental attention, but everything you said conveyed all those foreign feelings to me. Now, I understand. And I appreciate.

Seeing you sad almost made me cry, because I just came to realise how helpless you felt all these years.

Don't work hard for your parents. Everything you're doing now - tell yourself that it's for your future, not theirs.

I hope that helps you to get by these few years. And remember this: if you ever feel sad or just sick of everything, the fire-proof wooden doors of my house will always be open for you! =)


Oh yes. I've noticed how people stare at me when I'm wearing my uniform. When it was the iconic TKGS uniform, people stared for (mainly) 2 reasons:

1) The emerald green works up some pyrotechnics in your eyes. Ouch, it prickles. (or even pickles, given the intense greenish-ness)
2) They recognise the tkgs uniform, and used to be tkgians.
(yes. The auntie selling the famous rice dumpling soup in Bedok was a tkgian!)

But when it's the hc uniform, they stare because
1) "is that nyjc/vjc/hci? They all look the same hor?"
2) They think hc is a top school, and they are waiting for me to commit some crime. (or something along that line, like punching a bus driver maybe?) Does the local press pay people who provide them with fodder for top news stories?
3) Uhhh. I don't know. It's nicer than the tkgs uniform? (albeit less comfortable)

I especially hate how some people change their perception of us with a glance at our uniform. No, it isn't a secret agent suit which can enhance my capabilities. It simply tells you about the school I belong to. Don't start having high expectations of me, because I'm just an another student; another mere mortal standing near you.

Uniforms: They cause people to have non-uniform opinions about students.
The irony.

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