Wednesday, 24 December 2008

should i be happy over my SAT results?

results just in! hot from the oven of, so don't try touching the area of your computer screen where my scores are. You don't want to risk burning your fingers before christmas, do you?

(all scores are over 800)


Mathematics Level 2
(I'm a wee bit sad about this but it's my fault again for not studying)


so... it's going to be a merry christmas for me after all. or not?

Monday, 15 December 2008

Lady Antebellum - Lookin' For A Good Time

Came across this song while playing Tap Tap Revenge on my handphone. =D
Don't have much time to blog... sorry ah. Gotta go do some homework. My centad group has been way too engrossed in ambi for the entire holiday so far. But we enjoy every minute of it! Maybe except for programming the servo. =p
Looking foward to the next shijia meeting! =)
And btw! thanks to Julia, all SLSians can now post on SLS. Just log in as per normal, using shanliangsociety at gmail dot com as the username.

Thursday, 4 December 2008


No one tagged me to do this,
but I'm just going to be a non-essential-extra.

THE RULES :People who were tagged need to blog about their 10 weird habits/little facts. At the end , you have to choose 10 person to be tagged and list their names.

1) I love cute furry stuff and anything which is a nice shade of pink.
2) I'm somewhat afraid of talking to guys
3) I think I'm a geek
4) I have an odd habit of counting the number of syllables in short sentences or phrases, and then grouping them into 'mini palindromic groups' of syllables. Bet you don't understand what I just said, because I found it abstract too. =P

For example, let's look at the phrase on the post-it note stuck on my table which says "Do 1 physics SAT paper by Wednesday"

total: 13 syllables
Then I'd break it up into groups: 6syllables-1syllable-6syllables
note that 6-1-6 is a palindrome!!
So it'd go,
'Do 1 physics SA ---T --- paper by wednesday'

Gosh, I'm so weird.
5) I learnt how to use the desktop computer at the age of 4. Mentor? My dad!
6) I don't like to have my picture taken
7) I have my dad's eyes, nose, mouth, hands, and even palmprints. Along with my mum's jawline and my auntie's ears (kind of).
8) My mum's gynaecologist initially told my parents that I was a boy while doing an ultrasound scan, because at the very tender age of 5 months or so in my mum's tummy, I positioned my index finger at an especially strategic part of my torso... for reasons I do not know.
9) I can stretch and isolate my smallest toe from the rest of my toes - no hands!
10) I was born with one eye open and the other closed, which horrified my mum. That is, until I was brought into the room where newborns are placed in those plastic cots. My mum claims that I opened both my eyes from then on (which calmed my parents down significantly) and refused to sleep, staring at some angmoh baby boy next to me. =p


Elain requested for photos taken during my vacation... But I'm too lazy to upload them now.=P Besides, I'm bogged down by the SATs and centad. Hehe. So I'll upload them this Saturday night, after my SATs on SATurday k?? =D

Oh ya. I kena-ed a flu virus from the US. Nice souvenir huh.

Anyway I kena-ed a tag from Jael to do this quiz. I caught some sleep from 10pm to 12.30pm, and woke up again to do research. (note: originally intended to wake up at 11pm. oops)
And since it's 3.22am now and I'm tired of doing research on servos, I'm gonna do this quiz! Whoo!

Pardon me if I sound very blunt, because I'm gonna type whatever that pops into my mind first to spice things up a little. hehe.

1. Your relationship with him/her is?
Jael: my non-biological-family member! ie. shijia
2. Your five impressions of him/her?
-cute! haha =)
-very talented in art
-patented way of eating, yes.
-quite worrying when she is emo-ing
-nice to chat with
3. The most memorable thing he/she had done for you?
She made me a hot pink picture frame with our NJRC photos on my 16th birthday. It was handmade by her using wood, strings and other magical artsy stuff I will never know of.
4.The most memorable thing he/she had said to you?
Her laughter!
5.What kind of guy does she like?
That's a tough one. I'm not sure. I'd suppose a decent guy who loves her for who she is.
6.If he/she becomes your lover, you will?
UMM. That wouldn't happen. But if it did, I'd dedicate a room in our house for her to express her artistic talent.
7. If he/she becomes your lover, the thing he/she has to improve on will be:
to be a happier girl
8. If he/she becomes your enemy, you will:
k just kidding ;)
9. If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be:
either one of us has become a schizophrenic
10. The most desired thing that you want to do for him/her now is:
go shopping and have lunch with her!!!
11. Your overall impression of him/her is?
Cheerful, artistic, fun-loving girl. Who can cheer anyone up. garfield and doraemon. But I get very scared when she is moody.

12. How do you think people around you will feel about you?
Slacker/antisocial =O/always catching the flu bug/quiet girl/'why you got so many cute cute stuff?'/pink pink pink
13. The characters of yourself which you love are:
errrr. I'm good at lame jokes. And if you want to rant, my ears are open to you! Note that the amount of ranting I hear is inversely proportional to the quantity of earwax deposited in my ear canal, so... =p
14. On the contrary, the characters you hate yourself for are:
-hate to socialise. seriously.
-slack at the wrong time, unless it's a very official exam like the O or A levels coming up
15. The most ideal person you want to be is:
What I am now, sans the above characteristics in Qn 14.
16. For people that care and like you, say something to them:
Thank you for all the times we had together!
Hope you like my cookies?
17. Pass this Quiz to 10 people.
uhh. ok. they won't have to do this quiz.
1. julia
2. chunling
3. nina
4. jael
5. jen lee
6. junie
7. mr yong
8. jiang ying
9. lu theng
10. hewei (?!?!?!!)
(hehe 8 9 and 10 were reserved for my centad group and mentor. hahaha =D Just for the fun of it!)

18. Who is no.6 having relationship with?
friends and family.
19. Is no.9 a male or female?
20. If no.7 and 8 are together, will it be a good thing?
dang, I should have put mr yong as no.10 and hewei as no.7. HAHA
No it would not be good since no.10 has a girlfriend!
*** hey where is no.21?
22. What is no.2 studying about?
the A level syllabus for PCME?
23. When was the last time you had a chat with no. 5?
The week before my overseas vacation.
24. What kind of music band does no.8 like?
25. Does no.1 have any siblings?
1 elder sister
26. Will you woo no.3 ?
ya she is my lover.
28. Is no.4 single?
29. What is the surname of no.5 ?
30. What's no.4's hobby?
Painting, watching TV
31. Does no.5 and 9 get along well?
They don't know each other.
32. Where is no.2 studying at?
RJC! My school's long-time arch nemesis. aherm.
33. Talk something casually about no.1?
Hey this question wasn't phrased properly!
Ok. It's nice to have deep conversations with her. And she is a really nice person who loves milo.
34. Have you tried developing feelings for no.8 ?
no, I'm straight, although saying this contradicts my statement made in Qn. 26 =o
35. Where does no.9 live at?
36. What colour does no.4 like?
Bright colours like orange
37. Are no.5 and 1 best friends?
they don't know each other
38. Does no.7 like no.2 ?
Hold on while I purge the half-digested remnants of my dinner in the washroom.
39. How do you get to know no.2 ?
In the British Council class I went for in P5. It was from that class that I came to know she was also from my primary school.
40. Does no.1 have any pets?
Don't think so.
41. Is no.7 the sexiest person in the world?
No, another guy in my class is. =S Although his girlfriend or some tkgs/chinese high students may beg to differ.
42. Is no.10 tall?
Slightly above average height of guys I think.

yay! done with this blog post at 4.06am! Looks like jetlag is still a friend of mine.

Tuesday, 2 December 2008

jetlag. zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Arrived in Singapore at some terrible time... around 1am yesterday from vacation in USA! It was an 8.5 hour flight from San Francisco to Narita Airport in Japan, a 2 hour transit time, and then another 10 hours or so from Japan to my dear home. The second flight was an unexpectedly choppy one, so I skipped dinner in the plane.

This trip was filled with fun, mirth, adrenaline, and shopping highs. Sigh... I think I spent wayyyyy too much money this time buying a lot of branded goods in factory outlets. Heehee. ^_^ I rarely spend money like how I drink ice water, so I suppose indulging once in a blue moon is fine?? =D

Oh. I decided to let my sanity go on vacation too when I was in disneyland. i.e. I went to take some pretty crazy rides which my dad adamantly refused to accompany me for. I had to go alone, sob sob. The most memorable? Definitely the Tower of Terror:Twilight Zone in California Adventure Park of disneyland. It brings you god-knows-how-many-storeys high up in this tattered old haunted Hollywood Hotel in a lift, then drops you all the way down without warning.

And just as I thought that was the end, the lift started to accelerate upwards at a very worrying speed, then abruptly fell down again. This repeated for several times. Later, the lift door opens suddenly to present to all the pale-faced thrill seekers in the lift a very scenic view of disneyland from high above. It politely allows you to take in the breathtaking view for a few delightful moments, and then ruthlessly grabs away whatever breath you have left in your lungs by plunging down again. Biang eh, scream until no more breath to scream. I couldn't walk properly after the ride. hahahaha =D but it was fun!!

SAT subject tests (phy, chem, math lvl2) coming right up in my face this Saturday! Gotta go practice! =D

And Jael don't worry I will do that quiz of yours from your blog! And thanks for your sweet mms! =D

Monday, 17 November 2008

we're all in this together~~ but hey! where's the end?

watched high school musical 3 with nina today! =D Quite a dreamy movie, with random bouts of happy songs. Hehe. Relatively enjoyable because it made me happier!

arrived practically 3 hours late at NUS today for centad... I feel really bad. Guilty guilty...=( Sorry everyone.
Hewei was very disappointed in our research, for it lacked thoroughness. It lacked depth. It lacked specific considerations pertaining to our robot.

meeting with mrs loh tomorrow got postponed because she has a meeting.

what to do about SSEF now???

Haiya! I am damn sick of doing research online already!!! >=(
Just don't comprehend what's going on, having to search for the meanings of acronyms on google every 2 or 3 lines, trying to learn something which I think is beyond my ability.

or is it?

"we live and we learn, to take one step at a time... there's no need to's like learning to fly..."
- Jordin Sparks [one step at a time]

Taking one step at a time is comfortable. But time doesn't allow for it. We do need to run. Or rather SPRINT! Or even TAKE FLIGHT... Very soon.

Sorry Hewei, we have disappointed you time and again.
jiangying, lutheng, let's CHIONG ALL THE WAY IN DECEMBER! We can do this! =D

Hmm. Thinking about it, I still have to mug for SATs. Who ask me geh-kiang take 3 subject tests in 1 day huh. Doubt I would have any time left to finish the holiday packages. Sighhhhh...

If only there were potions in the world like in maplestory.
We would simply take a gulp, and feel energized again.

Monday, 10 November 2008

just some pics =)

usagipon from sanrio, melting you with her kawaii-ness.

a very sparkly necklace from nina's parents. They bought it during their holiday in malaysia if I'm not wrong. Thank you so much! =)

and what in the world could boredom compel me to do to my athena pullover?

it's clean and green... with two matching sleeves!

the new sleeve's over here!

check out the matching collar!

omg I can't believe the cheesiness of my captions above.

Yup. Anyway I just cut off the ends of the sleeves and part of the collar. I've wanted to do that for a really long time... ever since I bought the jacket, because it's so oversized.

Had to sew everything by hand, since sewing machines are too expensive. Hence the messy, unruly stitches splattered messily all over the edited parts of the jacket. Yeowch. But at least... wearing it is a more comfortable experience now. =D

I've been eating so much unhealthy food (cupcakes, cookies, strawberry milk ice, ice cream, oh the horror) lately that guilt has overcome me. I WILL RUN AT LEAST 2 ROUNDS OF THE SCHOOL TRACK TOMORROW MORNING TO BURN THE CRAP OFF MY CLOGGED ARTERIES!

hope y'all have fun this week! =D

Thursday, 6 November 2008

what a coincidence

Was about to view the video Jen's group made for PW OP because I was damn bored and having insomnia. =p
And when I just clicked the play button, the "check yes juliet" song which was used in the video started to play at the EXACT SAME TIME on the radio.
(btw, I'm listening to perfect10 98.7fm. and no, the DJ did not announce beforehand that she was going to play this song)

muting my computer's speakers, I let the video play with the radio playing the song instead. Every word, every beat, every tune fit in perfectly as they did in the video. (kudos to jen for the editing, haha)

wah biang, so zun4!

is this merely a coincidence?

like shuhui and nina said, just 'shun qi zi ran'.
things will all turn out right in the end.

jen, don't worry too much about it. Hmm... I think you're just confused about your feelings. Give yourself a few more months to sort them out, feelings are intangible,invisible, and incredible stuff. I've got no experience at all in such stuff, so I can't help you either. I'm so sorry... But everything is going to be all right. =) Take care of your throat and don't go for training yet k.

Wednesday, 5 November 2008

letting you know that I exist!

tag replies in chronological order...

[jy] I hate programming in C too! So freaking complicated. But we must jiayou!!! We can do this! =D see you and LT on saturday!

[jen] as your friend it is also my duty to take care of you to the best of my abilities. do inform me of your health status k? =)

[shuhui] yay you're baking cookies!!! =D and omg you can bake apple pie? BAKE IT K! =D The whole of 6C will be waiting... hungrily.

[yiting] Erm I'll be baking cupcakes leh. But I will bring some cookies for you don't worry k!

biang, I miss programming in HTML. C and C++ == hell at this moment.

printf( "programming in C stinks big time!"\n);

see la, what C programming does to people.

Sorry jiangying and lutheng, I woke up with a debilitating headache today morning. Couldn't really walk properly because my head was spinning. =(
Or was it?

Anyway, I took a panadol and promptly went to sleep after an improper breakfast at 10am. Woke up later at 11.30am, groggy but not as dizzy as before. Just... the stone feeling.
Dragged my iron head to tampines mall at 12.30pm to meet julia and chunling! =D Had lunch at mos burger and then headed for the cinema to watch Quantum of Solace... an interesting movie for action-lovers but boring for storyline-lovers like me. Oh well. $6 for a ticket! Being a student is great! What more could I ask for? =P

Oh yar. I felt very weird in the cinema, because I was sitting next to this teenage couple. The two of them were... erm... communicating to each other physically very frequently.
euurghhhhhh! Don't spread your love to strangers sitting around you. It makes my spine shiver.

Jael couldn't make it today because she had to take care of her sick cousin. Haiya... our shijia reunion imcomplete. She is such a nice girl, right? Nevermind Jael, we can always meet up another day! =D

We had ice cream in macdonalds after the movie, and had a very long chat which brought up a lot of fond memories of our life in TKGS.

After that, I was telling chun about what happened to me on monday.

As I was lugging home some baking ingredients in the evening, this cute little indian girl who was playing near the swimming pool in my condo gazed up at me with her huge sparkly eyes and exclaimed, "HIE JIE JIE!!!".

Awhhhhh..... she always does that when she sees me.

My heart just melted faster than how it would liquefy when I see this person. (ya la you ALL know who it is already) ahhhh she is so cute! >_<>

Remembering that I still had to return home FAST to have dinner, I told her "sorry ah, jiejie need to go home first k? Byebye!!"

She replied silently, staring blankly at me. Maybe I was talking too fast for her to catch anything? I decided to just smile and wave goodbye to her.

As I walked away, I heard something like "bye auntie!". Thinking that the girl was just saying goodbye to someone else, I continued to walk.

"bye auntie! bye auntie! bye auntie!!!!!!!!!!!! BYE AUNTIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I couldn't stand it anymore, and turned back to see the adorable little girl waving frantically at me and saying "bye auntie!!!" with a big smile on her flawless complexion. No other women were in sight.

Oh crap, I AM the auntie.

nevermind, I don't mind kids calling me auntie. But if it was someone above the age of 10, I would personally kill them with verbal abuse. (ok, just kidding)

BUT I WAS WEARING THE 'I LOVE HC' SHIRT!!! Very auntie meh?!

Maybe my back looks older than my face. hahahahaha

anyway, ju and chun were kind enough to help me find a suitable pair of shorts to buy after the movie. We went to the 'CK department store' place at first... although it's some super auntie place. And no, we did not visit the shop thinking that it is owned by chuankhim. We had fun laughing at how auntie some of the clothes were. And JULIA had a PARTICULARLY good time giggling at me. Hehehheehe. =D I am NOT an auntie yet okay!

Hai I had so much fun with you two today. She bu de li kai.

On a random note, clean&clear deep cleansing mask and biolyn shampoo are working wonders on me. Go check them out if you have some spare cash. And can anyone recommend me a pair of headphones with good sound quality which costs
Off to mod my athena pullover and exhibit my (incompetent) sewing skills in the process of doing it! Will post up pics of it soon when I get my hands on a digicam. Hehe.

(crap did I just call it "mod"? I'm turning into a nerd.)

Tuesday, 4 November 2008

this is going to get very incoherent.

Outings, outings, centad, mugging for SATs, C++, sphinx and whatever.

centad centad centad.

my mind and life are now preoccupied with all these stuff. And I think my brain is really going to explode forcefully out of my oddly-shaped skull into smithereens with all the stress starting to snowball and pile on me again. You can say that I'm now part of this snowball of stress. But if you went for the 6C class outing today, you would have noticed (?) that my head is still intact. Why?

Because BAKING keeps me alive.

Baking melts away the thick, maliciously icy layer of stress encapsulating me.

Baking liberates!!!

ya lah, enough of my english powder. Sharks, I've been baking so many random stuff these few days.

monday morning (i.e. ytd): choc chip cookies
monday night: white choc chip cookies
tuesday morning(today): choc chip vanilla cupcakes

Mrs Jambu's vanilla cupcake recipe is imba!!! Not only easy for noobs like me to make, but also very delicious. Thank you Mrs Jambu! =D shall upload some pics of the food later to make you all hungry. muahahahaa!

On my way to Plaza Singapura today, I saw Mrs Ong Han Nah entering the same MRT as me. Hehe. She still looks the same. Why do I keep seeing her whenever I step out of house???

I have a lot of expensive stuff on my wishlist right now!
1) iPhone 16GB
2) new headphones
3) SLR digital camera (minimum 10Mpx)

ahh... that's the great thing about blogs. You can crap as incoherently as you want, and nobody will tell you off.

nina, jiayou for I&R
jen, get well soon!


Sunday, 2 November 2008

the people closest to us are often the most alien

the study session with nina today was not as intense. We spent more time reading our storybooks I guess! =D But nonetheless, it was a refreshing change compared to our usual routine of talk/mug/lunch/mug/talk abit/dinner. haha it was very fun too!

Mr Tan Yang may sometimes crap a bit in class, but one of the old chinese proverbs he taught us really provoked me to think deeper today after nina and I were discussing about school life, and she brought this proverb into the conversation.

Lu4 yao2 zhi1 ma3 li4, ri4 jiu3 jian4 ren2 xin1.

(literal translation: you will only know of a horse's strength after a very long journey, and you will only come to know a person's heart after a long period of time)

sorry my comp has no chinese IME.

If a friend teaches you how to screw up the lives of others... and you know that it's morally wrong...
can you still trust and love this friend with all your heart and soul?
If you can, will you be able to live with the fear that this friend may just use that evil technique against you?

Is it possible to fully understand/know another person? Won't there be certain fractions of him/her which you may never come to know of?

What can be defined as true friendship? How much sharing between friends would be considered enough to keep the bond of friendship strong?

In my life, I have not made many friends. And I regret not making more friends..... though I find it very difficult to socialise.

is it just because I only consider people I am very close to my 'friends'?

Then what term should I use to describe 'friends' who are not as close to me?

Fellow Humans???

Is there a lot of room left for my concept of maturity to grow? Am I being too idealistic in my life? Am I too obedient and credulous? Why is my view of the world and people around me so simplistic?

The world is full of evil. And we can't do much about it.

zao3 zhi1 ru2 ci3, he2 bi4 kai1 shi1.

(hmm ok that's enough questions for today. shall go sleep.)

night night everyone. :)

Sunday, 26 October 2008

What happened?

"Why do you call us chao muggers even though we bathe DAILY?"

I just thought of that a few days ago.

Studied with Nina at T3 today... was doing mainly Chinese exam papers. The A level Chinese exam is coming right up this Thursday! Yaaaarrgh!

Gotta learn C++ with my centad friends soon. And I'm not confident about it, haha!

Really need to rant.

As abovementioned, this post simply consists of rantings, so I won't blame you for not reading it. =p

Complaint #1) SCREAM at school today.

Things didn't turn out like how I was hoping they would. In fact, I felt really anti-social today because I have been sleeping at past 1am since wednesday this week. So tired lah. And I'm disappointed in myself for being such an introvert today, you know?!

Dinner with the class was quite fun. And I think the way the guys share food is revolting!!! :/
(But very entertaining to watch. Haha! Especially how they fought over cheese fries, and how kenn siang's dessert got koped every everyone.)

The screening of the movie Shutter failed to get me in the mood for trail. Instead, I was actually laughing at the girls/Poon who were screaming away in disgust/horror during the movie. hee!

Unfortunately, I felt that the Halloween Trail was kind of a waste of my money because it also did not freak me out at all. I started off in the middle of our gargantuan 15-strong group with the girls, felt bored and strayed to the back to get a taste of it, went back to the middle with the girls, and finally proceeded right smack in front with the very adventurous chuankhim just hoping to get freaked out by something FINALLY. (hahaha) But it didn't happen lah. That is, until we were approaching the end of the trail in the LT, and ck opened the now-mysterious door, only to see everything pitch-black and barely visible. Haha that freaked me out, because it seemed like there was no exit.

Not trying to show off here, but I was not freaked out that much. You know what I mean? NO KICK!!!
(Sorry ShuHui, hope you are feeling ok now.)

Well... at least I learnt something new about myself today.

Haiya, I should have been born a guy.

Julia said that sometimes, girls have to act scared. But I can't act!!! Jen help me.

Nonetheless, the councillors have still done a GREAT JOB because majority of the people were zonked out at the end of the trail. I'm just an anomaly, ignore me.

Oh oh oh. I wasn't allowed to go for the maze today, so sad... =( I heard that it's really really scary. Parents wanted me to get home early. Can't defy their wishes, can I?

Complaint #2) my stupid stupid stupid dolt of a handphone

It's only been with me for 11 months or so, and today, it screwed up! For now, when it's turned on, only the keypad lights up, leaving the screen in a pitiful shade of dim, muted black. And not to mention that it just got repaired 2 months ago. ROAR it was such a waste of money.

(I do not like to use profanities and vulgar language, so there you have it. My anger and frustrations with myself all summed up in a line of commonly-used symbols, which make no sense whatsoever.)

My luck has gone for a vacation this entire week, I'm so miserable without it. Hope it comes back next week. =) And I sincerely apologise to everyone who has seen me with an acrimonious demeanour today. I did not mean to insult jingbin and junlin when I told them the pizza which they BOTH took a bite out of "bu shi ren chi de"/not for human consumption. Really meant it as a joke la, since it was quite a disgusting sight to me. (Heheh.)
Now, I have a habit of recalling every single thing that happened in each day before I go to sleep, so that I will be able to realise if I have hurt anyone unintentionally, or even what I could have done to make my day better. It's a long and tiring process, but I hope it eventually works out.

Will continue working on my personality flaws to become a better person.

Hmm must start chionging for centad very soon. C++, here we come.
and the building of the robot.
and the written report.
AND the much-discussed-and-fantasised-about SSEF next year.

Enjoy your weekend, everyone! =D

Friday, 24 October 2008


When I first saw this video, I was expecting to hear really great singing.

But this guy just blew me away, man.

I mean, I found myself on the floor after watching/hearing him sing. Must be the wind la.

For your viewing/auditory pleasure!!!

" A Whole New World" by Nick Pitera

"One Sweet Day" by the same guy.

note: original singers were mariah carey & Boys II Men. One of my favourite songs. =)

But this is just appalling.

"Part of your world" by the same guy AGAIN.

It's a song from The Little Mermaid, I guess?

Hmm disney songs are quite nice, ya. But this is sick!!! Oh my.



or even nauseating, if you abhor androgynous people.

Thursday, 23 October 2008

Is this blog more popular than I thought?

When I started this blog in sec 3, I only told it to around 3 friends. Later, I told my blog address to a few more close friends.

My initial intention was for this blog to be... uh... only known to a very small, selected group of people. So that I would be able to post anything I wanted. Even secrets.

But for some reason, word has spread, and now a super whole big load of people know of this blog.

Crap lah. Thanks to my previous post, almost half of my class knows of some clandestine thoughts of mine.

If you're trying to figure out what it is, TOO BAD! I've deleted a section of my previous post which has caused a barely noticeable undercurrent of commotion among the girls (and some guys) in class.

Dang. Should be more careful in the future.

hahaha shuhui please don't feel bad! I'm not referring to you. But other people. K, cannot mention who, in case I offend YET ANOTHER person.

Really really hope jen's twin brother still thinks that his life is running as per normal.

On another note, I am going to feel very out of place in my grouping for the SCREAM halloween trail this saturday at 10pm.

there's going to be
-hongyao's girlfriend, jasmine
-chuan khim

-the super uber don't-belong-here-xinyi

wahlau. Who am I going to clutch on unforgivingly to without any reservations when I see a fake councillor-ghost? None of the 6c girls are in my group la. Oh noooo.

Tuesday, 21 October 2008

not xmas yet, but it's time to give thanks

these 2 days have been horrible for me and my psychological health. (LOL GP compre.)
but some people have brought much-welcomed happiness/laughter/fun/ice-cream/butter toast into my life when I felt like crap... and I don't care if they have done it because they knew of my emotional state or simply out of nice-ness. I just want to thank them for making my life better this week.

In chronological order, thank you...


for eating my cookies, haha. Hope most of you enjoyed it. And hope Shu Hui doesn't taste any more ghost raisins in them.

Chuan Khim

for playing Puzzle Freak on with me during PW after I got back the %$$%# physics paper. Hahaha hope you didn't get addicted!

Yi Ting

for... you know what you did on Monday. hahaha I don't think it will work out in the end, but thanks for your help. =D don't be too sad about what happened today k? I will try to help you when I can. Hee.

Mr How

For telling us that "it is not what you CAN achieve, it's whether you WANT to achieve it.". I will work hard next year and pwn the rest, man. Whoo! hope you will still be our CT in 2009.

Jen Lee

for consoling me and being by my side when I broke down in school today. And for the very long and enjoyable dialogue (ie bitching session, HAHA!) we had before our Chinese lesson. Thank you so much for being such a great friend!


for treating me to ben & jerry's and the hk cafe toast today at white sands,(which already cost a bomb) even though you had tuition at 8.30pm. And for window-shopping for hair accessories with me today. (even though I didn't buy anything in the end to save $)

I feel very bad for taking up so much of your resources... ie time and money. Thanks so much for what you did for me today, I really appreciated it, but I just couldn't bring myself to tell you how much I wanted to thank you just now, because I am really very moved. I'm actually sobbing out of happiness as I type this paragraph, you don't know how much it meant to me, even though I know I looked very dao when I was with you... and didn't have much to say. (was quite sian and disappointed with my grades) Sorry Nina!!! But I was forcing myself to NOT CRY in front of you just now. Thanking you was all I could manage without shedding a slightest drop of a tear.

As I walked past the ez-link gantry thingy in the MRT station, I couldn't bring myself to turn back and say bye to you again. And I regret that, for that, I am sorry. I was on the brink of tears at that instant.

In spite of the fact that I got A1 for O level English, I'm bad with words, especially spoken ones, for I lack courage and emotional strength to tell others how I really feel.

Hence, I wrote this post. So that I wouldn't have to cry in front of you.

And thanks so so so much for enlightening me about how our parents feel and think.

Our parents usually want the best for us.

I'm so immature. Sharks.

There is so much more to life than grades.

Our grades are not the only determining factor of our worth.

Wah biang, since when I become so emotional ah???

Still crying.

Wo hao gan dong.

There isn't really another word in the english language which can replace the word 'thanks', so I'm gonna use chinese!

Nina, XIE XIE NI!!! =') <-- smiling while crying, lol

I must also have done something very very good to the society in my past life to be worthy to be your friend.

aaaah the tears just keep flooding my eyes like the Niagara Falls.

hmm the rivers seem to have run dry now.

Oh ya, we must not forget my 2 seniors who have helped me pull through these 2 days with their smses. Hehe.


Thanks for your encouragement!!! Paiseh, I kept spamming you with sms rantings about my lousy promo results. Shall stop irritating you already, hehe. I failed to continue your legacy this year, but I will fight very hard to get a hc diploma next year! Jiayou for A levels!!!


Sorry for bugging you with smses everyday, haha.(hmm I doubt you are going to read this!!! I should really stop irritating you, too. =P) But it is really interesting to learn more about J2 from your smses. And not to mention your awe-inspiring hobbies! As you mentioned, it's full steam ahead from now until 20th November. Jiayou for A levels!!!

It's an arduous journey.

But I believe that the both of you have what it takes to complete it. =)

Press on, you can do it!

Monday, 20 October 2008

Can't blame anyone, can I?

Was expecting at least a B for physics, because I thought the paper was manageable. But I ended up with a measly 53/100.


History repeats itself; the same thing happened for my math promos. (53/100 too.)

WAHLAUUU I am damn sad and angry at myself. I came into HC with big dreams and a good O level score, I wanted to do H3 physics/econs. That dream has now been obliterated by my laziness this year.

That's why... I only have myself to blame. Sorry Jeannie, I let you down.

I let TKGS down.
I let my PARENTS down.
I let MYSELF down.

You've heard about yo-yo dieting, right? Well, I perform yo-yo mugging. (ever since sec 1)

term 1: slack
term 2: slack
mid year exam: study 2 weeks before
term 3: slack LESS
term 4: slack LESSER
final year exam: pia 2 weeks before

This method, which is EXACTLY what sane teachers and friends tell you NOT to use to achieve good grades, has served me pretty well... That is, until the O levels started looming over us. Ok, I usually do okay for internal exams. Not anything fantastic though.

Out of laziness, I have also employed the same tactic for JC1. Whoops, looks like it didn't work out!!!

*splashes self with ice water to remove steam fuming from ears*

Will emulate chuan khim's behaviour and start studying for some J2 topics as soon as I am done with OP and chinese.

Saturday, 18 October 2008


Started today morning with my P&C tutorial! (whee!) And I'm happy to say that I have completed half of it, considering that I usually wait till the last minute to complete them. :p

(ya lah ya lah, I bet the pros in 08S6C have already done tutorial 13 AND the supplementary exercises.)

By the way, I still dislike P&C. Heh. Old habits die hard.

Later, proceeded to carry out some cube maintenance... and *finally* give my cube a nice spa to reward it for having been very cooperative and friendly this week, when I brought it to school everyday.

Life has been tough on you, my cube, but at least you have a responsible and kind owner, right?

awww. Look at my cube's younger sibling innocently looking at the camera. :) How cute!
Process of cube spa:
1) Dismantling (or disrobing???) of cube
2) gentle exfoliation to remove cube dust with damp cloth
3) Moisturizing with a delightfully smooth spray of silicone lubricant
4) my mum stares in horror at my cube, asking "omg what did you do to your cube??!!"
5) Assembling cube!
Sounds really enticing huh. I wouldn't mind giving your cube the same spa treatments for $3 a session! (right. just kidding.)
My dad came back really early today, he was able to catch an early flight! =D
And I started to bake cookies at 8pm. The first batch actually came out smelling great but were ridiculously soft, so I baked them for another 10mins and ended up with huge coalesced lumps of jet-black soot. Very disappointing... and hard to clean. :P Well, we make mistakes in life in order to learn. :D
Wasted a whole load of cookie dough in the process! :(
My mum told me that cookies harden as you let them cool down outside the oven, so I heeded her advice (which did not come at an opportune time. should have asked her earlier, grrr I'm so silly) and ended up with some pretty nice cookies! Unfortunately, I forgot to use cookie parchment paper to line the tray, so the cookies were embarassingly stuck on the tray after baking.
I'm such a noob at baking!!! GAH. But I managed to salvage most of them in good condition with the help of a butter knife. =D Shall bake some more tomorrow!
Yep. Had a pretty nice chat with Yiting on msn today. Somehow I think that I have more to talk on msn. Is that bad? Or does it show my antisocial tendencies in real life?
And Jael, don't overthink things ok! =D Thanks for your adorable Garfield MMS. I liked it a lot, and it cheered me up after I saw my chao-da carbon cookies.

Wednesday, 15 October 2008


those 3 sticks above remind me of one of the art exhibitions... a movie I saw at the Singapore Biennale yesterday. Have any of you visited it yet? Go check it out! It's pretty good.

Melancholic shadows of three Inuit men standing on icebergs in the sea;
with no form of communication.
Nary a sound nor a slightest hint of connection to each other.

Yet this predominating element of sadness was neutralised by the sheer beauty of nature;
the flawless reflections of human figures wavering in the diaphanous, rippling skin of the ocean.

And, for some reason, I felt calm.


Right... I have to be honest and admit that this exhibit did feel extremely boring at first. (ya lah, I am not so cultured.) But our patience paid off, because as time went by, the movie started to portray the scenes in different weather conditions. The scene taken in winter (it was snowing! :D), along with the eerily realistic sound effects, made our otherwise normal atmosphere feel ethereal. Neat!

Ehh not bad. I managed appreciate art!
TKGS art education department, I have not failed you!
(I had no idea that going to art exhibitions could be so enjoyable.)

Appreciating art was a difficult process which made me feel uneasy for some reason. Maybe Jael can explain the philosophy of art to us! Had to use the free handbook given to us quite often to understand the intentions of the artwork on display... But understanding an art piece doesn't feel like understanding gravitation or circular motion.

dunno how to explain.

It's just enjoyable! =D

Unfortunately, I still have so much work to deal with.
Hello, my true life.
-eom 2nd draft
-I&R 2nd draft (both by this friday!!!)
-OP powerpoint slides (BY this FRIDAY!!! ARGH)
-study at an intensity which I have never attempted... for chinese A Levels (30th october, 2 more weeks? Aaaaah!)

Must begin preparing for the SATs now, and study for it at full force after OP.
My promo results have been unsatisfactory so far, and I'll have to make up for it with the SATs I guess. =D I will never give up. Must...keep....going...

Oh yes. I just picked up my beloved cube again. Trying to slowly condition my brain and fingers to CFOP, starting from the F2L, which I am trying to perform intuitively. This is not much of a problem, except that I am excruciatingly slow at the intuitive F2L. I need more practice!!! Aiming to achieve around 30sec timings by christmas this year. =) But I am subconsciously over-contented with the working corner method, it has served me pretty well so far with averages of around 50sec. Oh wells, humans can never be contented. Especially women.

(hahahahaha! I remember someone said that to me some time ago.)

Did you know that the cross on the cube can always be done in 8 turns or less?
AND it should ideally be finished in 2 seconds if you're speedsolving. O_o
Had no idea that making the cross could also become an art to be perfected.


And now, we should really get on with our lives. =D

Monday, 6 October 2008

please don't stop making me laugh

Came across this on a NeoBoards thread:

Politics - a compound word consisting of the Latin word poly, meaning many, and tics, meaning several of a type of small blood sucking creatures.

Therefore politics means many small blood sucking creatures.

heh heh heh heh heh

Sunday, 5 October 2008

Wasting my youth... for just a weekend.


The promos are fading,
The JC1s are jumping;
The teachers are fainting.
What have I been doing?

(Oooh. Poetic.)

Why of course, I have been crapping!

Let's examine what I've done over the past few days...

Thursday (after physics paper): eat lunch with mum, splurge $30 on Brisingr (3rd book in the Eragon trilogy), Wii, Wii, Wii, Wii, NEOPETS!!! (especially plushie tycoon)

Friday: astro exco meeting, eat lunch with parents at Xin Wang HK Cafe (Kovan), more plushie tycoon

Melodramatic Morning- kena cheated of $3 on breakfast at Maxwell Food Centre! (2 egg tarts + 1 char siew puff, WTH?) My mum, who similarly got her money painfully ripped off, paid $2 for a cake-serving-plate-sized portion of cai tao kueh. Haiya.

Agonising Afternoon- Incinerate $100 for SAT books, combust another $29 for the delightfully witty "Mad About Physics" book, proceed to kallang airport hawker centre for lunch. I met the TKGS western stall's auntie and uncle there! =D BUT.....

Now, this is the part I want ALL TKGS GIRLS TO READ.

Auntie: "We just moved here recently."
Me: "Oh you moved to a new home around this area is it?"
Uncle: "No, we now have a stall here."
Me: *stunned* "What happened to the TKGS stall? Rental increased significantly ah?"
Uncle and auntie: *uneasy*

What happened is that the *most highly academically educated* person in TKGS right now decided to abuse her power in the school... and force the stall in the canteen with the best food and greatest following to leave the canteen without rhyme or reason... for the financial benefit of her own cronies in the canteen.

I tried my best to put it in a more..... GENERAL form of expression. The uncle originally did not wish for me to publicise this issue, but I felt that this is completely UNACCEPTABLE ACTION TAKEN BY SUCH A BLEDDY HIGHLY EDUCATED PSEUDO-ELITE IN TKGS. I CANNOT STAND SUCH INJUSTICES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you don't understand what happened to the western stall auntie and uncle, please feel free to send me a message/ask me on MSN. I'll be happy to explain to you the situation, even at 1am.

In the end, I told them that their food is good, so no matter where they go, they will be able to build up a pretty neat customer base. =)

Anyway, holding a petition to bring the western stall back to tkgs is unlikely to move the non-existent heart of a pseudo-elite, right? So if you love the auntie and uncle's food, (I know you do!!! Because I do, and all TKGians do!!!) visit their stall...

Name of stall: Holy Grill
Venue: Old airport road food centre
(opposite Broadrick secondary, you can take bus 10 or 31 from TKGS)

There, I've done my part! Join me in my mission of the promotion of good food! Copy and paste the above colourful text into your blog, and visit them whenever you can! =D

neopets, centad meeting, neopets, chatting with old friends. =D
note: Jiang Ying, get well soon! =) And don't walk about too much ah.

Shall end off with a nerdy joke. (can't get enough of them, can you? :D)

nerd: knock knock.
classmate of nerd: who's there?
nerd: thermos.
classmate: thermos who?

nerd: thermos be some way to make you laugh! :D :D :D

Wednesday, 17 September 2008

self improvement needed urgently!!! =o


The day I usually look foward to.
(well, school ends early!)

But I learnt new things about myself today.

The day started off with me drowsily anti-reclining from my bed. Zzzzz. 5 more minutes of sleep please??? :( I was quite disappointed because I slept at 11pm last night after chionging my chinese workbook, which is considered quite a luxurious time to sleep in jc life.

I got a shock the moment I sat down next to Jen in school, because Jun Lin said 'good morning' to me. If you are Jun Lin/his friend/any hc friend reading this, (which is highly unlikely anyway, we all know your favourite hobby :D my blog isn't very widely known, either.) please don't take it the wrong way.

It's just that his simple greeting made me realise just how much more introverted and quiet I have become after coming to hcjc. Returning and initiating greetings have become so awkward for me, for reasons I don't know.

Why was greeting people and chatting with friends in tkgs so effortless and enjoyable?

Why do I find it so difficult to just smile or even say hi/bye to others now?
What is up with that really uncomfortable feeling of my heart scrunching up when I say hi/bye to people?
And why do I suddenly have a great deprivation of topics to chat about?

(hehehe. Reintroducing comic element in blogging)

Hmm. I don't think anyone in my jc has ever met my secondary school self. Any one of you in hc would probably be appalled at the sight of me as a tkgian. Hehe. Okay, to be honest, I have been more of an introvert all my life. Unfortunately, I think that my personality has taken a turn for the worse. A severe introvert, omg. (Maybe I'm a martian, destined to be alienated when I turn 17 years old) Or am I still trying to adapt to this new school?

The school always stresses on the importance of not only achieving good academic results, (which is a difficult task by itself already...) but also forming many friendships during our stay. We all know how to achieve good results. No further elaboration needed, just get your concepts of your work right, and mug! But forming friendships is a completely abstract subject to me. There isn't really a formula, is there? But then again, what I consider as friendships are probably not what the school portrays them to be. (hmm, I'm not sure where this is heading)

To me, friends are *loosely defined* as those whom I have a mutual understanding of; not people whom I don't talk that much to, or merely wave to.
Just look at ShiJia. We have stuck with each other for a whopping, yet extremely fun 4 years. Or rather 2 years, since I only came to know Jael in sec 3. (thanks for putting up with my numerous smses conversations with you these few weeks, I really enjoy sss-ing you =D) But that doesn't make much of a difference anyway, because we truly care for each other like real friends are supposed to. Nina has also been a great friend; we relentlessly helped each other through the tough period of intense studying before the O levels. (and emerged victorious. Whoohoo!) Jen, thank you for being the one I can always rant to and laugh with in school. =)

But is my idea of friendship unrealistic? Maybe friendships don't have to be such intricate relationships after all. My idea of 'friendship' should probably be classified under the subset called "best friends".

Ok, back to the story. I madly chionged to complete my EoM and I&R in the library today. The two most boring and mundane pieces of work, ever. (I&R: required endless crapping to meet the word limit) And so I trudged drearily to the class bench at 3.45pm or so to pack up and go home after 2 hours of work boredom. Upon arrival, Chuan Khim asked me, "Why you look so sad?".

But I don't want to be sad, and I was not even aware that I looked depressed.
Awh crap! I am trying not to look sad, but my expression reflects my life pretty well, huh. Maybe that's why people don't enjoy talking to me now, because I look so sad when I am talking to them that they start to believe that they are boring people.
Must smile more. :D

:D :D :D :D :D <--- there you have it

The fact is, I am freaking frankenstein-ing tired of hc. ROARRRRRRRRRR
Daily sleep deprivation, meeting deadlines frantically, mugging for tests frantically, etc etc.
No time whatsoever to actually ENJOY what I am learning.
It's all a mad rush which whizzes past you, and escapes sneakily from the seemingly escape-proof clutches of your trembling hands when you try to get a firm grip on things around you. And not to mention that at that time, I hadn't had lunch.

oh ya hor. I think I may be suffering from some mild hair loss problems. :S the bathroom drain filter is always clogged by my hair after shampooing. Scary ya.

Making alot of careless/idiotic mistakes in my math workings now. Hope that these problems are all due to sleep deprivation and exam stress.

2 more weeks, and it will all be over. (NO, I am NOT committing suicide, of course. I meant my promotional exams, you paranoid...uhh, blog reader.)

Wouldn't school life be so much easier if we could simply head to a chemistry lab for a solution to all of life's problems? The solute-solute interactions in life's problems are regretfully strong. That's why we can't make a solution out of it.

Conclusion: Life problems are like magnesium oxide. Maybe melting them at high temperatures might help?

Since this is getting so chemical, I might as well end off with a lame chem joke I created yesterday.

Q: What do you call a country which consists solely of hydrogen atoms as it citizens?

A: The country would be called a "hydroge-nation".

PS. Failure to find humour in the joke is a strong indication that you have NOT BEEN REVISING YOUR ORGANIC CHEM!!!!! Please go and study your alkenes lecture notes. =D

I had a long, insightful talk with my mum tonight about how to become a better person. (apart from the usual econs-intensive talk we have for hours every night. hehe.) I do not wish to continue my life like this; my parents have long told me that being academically successful is not of importance to them, as what they truly wish to see me become is a good person. And being their only child, I will never let them down. Just watch me trying my best to evolve into a better person, act by act, day by day.

Tuesday, 5 August 2008

how adorable =)

Fun pillowcases:

Q: What did the stone say to the ruler?

Ans: You rule!

Q: What did the ruler say to the stone?

Ans: You rock!

SO CUTE!!! Haha I can't wait for the shijia gathering this Friday. :D
and happy birthday to my junior Elain! Jiayou for your prelims and O levels, and hopefully see you in hwachong next year! Haha =D

Saturday, 26 July 2008

Interesting Quotes from Ernest Hemingway

Blatantly koped from

Ernest Hemingway (21 July 18992 July 1961) was an American novelist and short story writer whose works are characterized by terse minimalism and understatement. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1954.

"Our nada who art in nada, nada be thy name thy kingdom nada thy will be nada in nada as it is in nada. Give us this nada our daily nada and nada us our nada as we nada our nadas and nada us not into nada but deliver us from nada; pues nada. Hail nothing full of nothing, nothing is with thee."

-The old waiter of "A Clean, Well-Lighted Place" in Winner Take Nothing (1932)

"It's none of their business that you have to learn how to write. Let them think you were born that way."

-On the loss of a suitcase containing work from his first two years as a writer, as quoted in With Hemingway (1984) by Arnold Samuelson
(note: tell that to your GP tutor.)

"Writing and travel broaden your ass if not your mind and I like to write standing up."

-Letter (9 July 1950); published in Ernest Hemingway : Selected Letters 1917-1961 (1981) edited by Carlos Baker

"We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master."

-New York Journal-American (11 July 1961)

"If you have a success, you have it for the wrong reasons. If you become popular it is always because of the worst aspects of your work.

-As quoted in That Summer in Paris (1963) by Morley Callaghan

"If a writer … knows enough about what he is writing about, he may omit things that he knows…. The dignity of movement of an iceberg is due to only one ninth of it being above water."

As quoted in A Second Flowering (1973) by Malcolm Cowley

"You're beautiful, like a May fly."

-Statement to his future wife Mary Welsh, recalled in her obituaries (26 November 1986)

"Hesitation increases in relation to risk in equal proportion to age."
Pt. 1, Ch. 3

"Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know."

"I love sleep. My life has the tendency to fall apart when I'm awake, you know?"

"Even when I was in a crowd, I was always alone."

"The first draft of anything is shit."


I'm quite unhappy with hc life right now. Tutorials, tutorials, tests, and no sleep. Hai.

But I must say that I was quite lucky yesterday morning. The morning assembly in school, unfortunately, started at 7.30 SHARP...

which was the exact time I stepped into school and realised that all of the late-birds were maniacally flocking towards the central plaza. Being sleep-deprived, I just walked.

When I reached the canteen, I saw Yiting, some guys and 2 teachers standing still. The national anthem played softly in the background.


Hehe, I was late! (for the first time in my already sucky jc life! =D )

Later, we had to surrender our ez-link cards to my PE teacher. Heehee. But then the most miraculous thing happened.

A huge hoard of latecomers flooded the latecomers' area. Wheehee! Then Mr Ken Yeow announced that we wouldn't be getting demerit points due to "heavy traffic conditions".

THAT WAS SO NICE OF HIM!!! Thanks Mr Yeow!

(despite his not so nice haircut, which was reminiscent of Mr Yong's pineapple-crew cut 2 years ago)

Damn heng. Must force myself to wake up early in the future.

Went to survey some kids and parents today with my robotics group for CenTaD on Friday! :D It was really fun. Running around and getting rejected occasionally didn't discourage us. Hehe. And I noticed that men don't like to participate in surveys. The ones who talked to us were mothers... fathers were generally not too happy to see us. Haha!

Toys R' Us had a plethora of robotic toys... at a price. Usually around $100 for those higher-end ones with better functions. Eg. BabyAlive. The robotic baby eats doll food and poops it out. Besides that, her mouth moves! LIKE A REAL BABY! Which can be quite freaky at night, I think. =P The visit turned out to feel like a shopping trip, but it did give us a much better idea of what functions commercial robots for children offer.

And surveying was tough. Or rather the beginning was tough. It's just so difficult to initiate a conversation! :( However, when we finally got started, I realised that hey... parents are mostly friendly people. :D

My centad group rocks, can?! :D They are two of the best people I've met in hc so far. We got flamed (badly) for our presentation during the centad conference on wednesday, but we remained optimistic and happy. (in fact we laughed when we got flamed. hahahahaa) Okay. Maybe our presentation wasn't superb, but our team dynamics are really strong. Unlike the other groups, we are not ripping out the uterus-es of lab rats and other gory/boring things. We're actually HAVING FUN! Hahaha. With more effort, I'm sure that we can conquer the other groups. muahahhahahaha
SSEF here we come

But we wouldn't be achieving much without Hewei and Prof. Ge. So kudos to both of them!

And just some things of interest to me that I encountered in school this week.

-Jingbin's daily 'cool walk' down the central plaza in the morning
-Jianwei is president of HACAS! I just discovered that, I don't believe myself.
and of course his quote. "You don't know if you don't try."

It's pretty overused, but it's true. :)

Saturday, 28 June 2008


Hehe, this is my second post in a day!
Well... I just wanted to type this post out to help keep all of us level-headed if any of us ever get to hold high positions in life in the future.

This post was inspired by a particular person who ignored us today when we greeted her. I shall try to keep the post more... general.

Alright, here goes.
If a person is in a high position in the corporate world or in any form of organisation, and has many people working under him/her, this person should respect the workers under him/her.

Think about this. If this person has nobody working under him/her, then he/she is not in any high position. That person would just be an individual.

From this, you can see that that person is nothing if not for the numerous workers who work for him/her. These workers have given up the chance to become a boss in order to work for him/her. Thus, I think that the person 'on top' should, at the very least, show some basic respect for the people 'below' them if they wish to continue being in a higher social status than others.

(hmmmm I wonder if you get what I mean.)

Surely a simple "hello" accompanied with a smile doesn't take too much effort?

A looooong trip down memory lane

(As I finished typing the title, an eyelash fell out of my left eye. BOOHOOHOOO!!!)

Ok ok I shall get back on task. Teehee!

I met Julia and Chun today at the bus stop just outside the side-gate of tkgs. I was early today (woohoo! For once, I'm early! =D ), so I sat down in the bus stop to play Final Fantasy II, while receiving odd stares from some tkgs girls. Dang. Shouldn't have bought another neon pink bag. That was 12.30pm.

We then proceeded to the general office to collect our graduation certificates from MOE. Unfortunately, we had to (reluctantly) surrender our ez-link cards to the receptionist to confirm our identities.


The receptionist must have had a really fun time comparing the pictures of us on our ez-link cards to our current selves. So paiseh...
Well, on a brighter note, the School Graduation Certificate comes in a (surprisingly) grand-looking black PVC folder, with the logo of the MOE embossed proudly in gold over it. Ooh, gold... How generous of them! I'll be sure to scrape some off and sell them to a jewellery shop! =D We all know how much gold is worth nowadays, right?
Since we were missing TKGS food sooooo much, we went to the canteen for lunch! The canteen hasn't changed much, but the chicken rice stall has been taken over by another group of people. And the western stall auntie and uncle are still as nice as their food. =) Sigh, I miss them so much. Today's Milo wasn't diluted. Hurrah!
Grilled dory fish with spaghetti and mini hashbrowns: $2.60 only!!!
milo: $0.60 per cup
total: $3.20 (GAH. Food in hcjc is so expensive in comparison...)


Had a nice long chat with Mdm Seah. Shouted "HI MISS YEO!!!". Talked to photoshop. Waved to Mdm Chee and Miss Tee (who is now MRS LIM!)... and discovered a new pond next to the swings!

All right, I photoshopped this pic. The pond does not look as nice in reality. Hehe. Mdm Seah is one of the teachers in charge for decorating this pond, though I feel that the school should really reduce her workload... She's really stressed out now!

In the late afternoon, we left tkgs for Ice Cream Chef! The ice cream there is really good. Chun's granny smith apple ice cream was unique and refreshing, a great choice indeed! =D Their ice cream was so good that we decided to buy a large cup to share among ourselves after eating the small cups of ice cream. =P

Friday, 27 June 2008


ALL RIGHT!!! Today marks the end of the gut-wrenching, goose-pimple popping block tests!

(oh alright. I still have to go for my H1 Chinese paper on Monday... but that should be okay, considering the monstrosities I encountered for all the science papers)

Hmm so what was this post for, you wonder. And why would I want to act nocturnal and blog at 3am?

Yes, I'm going to help YOU to de-stress! =D

So enjoy the following videos of weird and hilarious auditions! Take your pick =D

1) American Idol auditions: guy who doesn't sound like one

2) American Idol auditions: could you lower your pitch?

3) More funny auditions

4) So you think you've got the X-factor, eh.

5) Numa Numa song... or was it?

6) Don't Cha ... wish I didn't come for the audition

7) Bulgarian idol: Ken Lee, oh libulibu douchoo

8) Polish Idol: What the heck was that?!

And now for a change.
9) How to be Emo

10) How to be Nerd

11) How to be Gangster