having fun with the kit lens.
Shijia Outing No.2: Aston's Express in Bedok.
Food for thought...
and for drooling.
They offer pretty good food for under $10 per person. Not bad at all. :D

Yep, it's the IR. (Streaks of light! Yay!)
Taken at an area outside the Singapore Flyer after my family's reunion dinner this year.

Light Painting: my first try at this! It's quite fun.
Just find a light source and a very dark room.
Increase your shutter speed... up to a couple of seconds.
Increase the f-number to deepen the depth of field. Set the camera to manual focus/disable auto-focus. (the camera has trouble focusing on stuff in the dark)
Then, press the shutter release button.
Swish your light source in front of your camera until you hear the mirror in the camera slap down. And ta dahh! You get something like this. For this picture, I used the iPhone menu as the light source... Which explains the presence of the numerous little colourful squares!
Unfortunately, (?) you can see the fan in my room on the left side of this picture. :P So remember to point your camera towards an empty wall if you don't want stuff other than the light to be in the picture!

ice lemon tea
happy days: hippo and the sesame street guy.
Precious Moments: Friends write from the start.
nikon? Hmmm.

macro: a little bee on my mum's sunflower.
You... are... The Only Exception.
(just heard that Paramore song on MTV. Pun intended.)
Clearly, this was not taken with the D90.
I couldn't resist taking a picture of Adrian's new workstation on Tuesday. :D
(taken with my iPhone. Why are there vertical streaks in the picture? It may be due to the flickering fluorescent lights in my office. )
Going for the National Infocomm Scholarship talk tomorrow. And I'm going to have lots of work to chiong in the office tomorrow, too. I'm kinda too lazy to write essays for scholarship applications after I come back from work. Sigh. Must press on.
NUS open house on Sunday.
Learning to bake a shepherd's pie at Nina's house on Sunday too. :D Thank you Nina!
And yup. I just uploaded new pictures on flickr.
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