Sunday, 10 January 2010

By Request!

First of all, sorry for not updating for nearly a month. Lazy, lah. :P

In case you're wondering how I'm spending most of my time... Well, I've rented the first season of The Mentalist ( :D yay!) and I've enjoyed almost every minute of it! Patrick Jane is the reincarnation of Sherlock Holmes, in my opinion. :P

Other than lazing around with my Patapon 2 PSP game and watching DVDs, my long period of mental shutdown also includes running on the treadmill once a week and following my mum out to do some shopping. And of course, cable TV! :D

Really, I'm just waiting for some job offers/interviews to roll in now.

By the way, here are some pics from our latest shijia dinner! There are 60 pics in total, and I think I sent about 5 pics to each of you. But the emails to Jael and Julia bounced back. :( I must have made your mailboxes explode. Sorry... :(

Like Jael said, we should set up a blog to post shijia pics only. Hehe :)

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