Monday, 14 June 2010

decisions, decisions.

Even the doctor doesn't know what I am sick with. He just gave me medicine to relieve the symptoms, and an MC to excuse me from work.

Blocked nose + cough + 38deg fever = ?

Apparently, it has nothing to do with the tonsillitis I just recovered from slightly over 2 weeks ago. He says it's due to a weak immune system, which I attribute to awesome stuff like


which I ate a lot of during my birthday week. Hehe!

That's a lava cake from NYDC. (ni yao de cai/new york dessert cafe/not your disc compartment)
It pretty much tastes like lots of chocolate and concentrated milo. Ooh.

So during my 3-day recovery period at home, I've been eating more stuff like

in a last-minute attempt to lead a healthy lifestyle. Hahaha :D
On a normal day, which would you rather choose? Hmm? ;)

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