Saturday 17 January 2009

1st week of school. new colours shown, more undone homework.

Staying back in school to study today has given me the opportunity to get to know some people in my class better... much more depth than last year. Some people whom I had a bad impression of last year turned out to be nice people. While the bad impression which I had of others have just changed for the worse. Take this guy for example, who makes a conscious effort to sit next to the academic high-achievers in class- daily. I'm not going to try to prevent myself from sounding as cliched as those typical drama serials, but don't you all think that his motive is obvious? He's really just being a fake "friend".

I'm glad that my dad has been cautioning me about such nefarious, contemptible people ever since I was a cute and innocent primary school girl. And I must say that I have never realised the sad truth behind his warnings to me until this year in hci. Must people resort to forced, artificial friendships in a desperate bid to achieve academic success? I doubt so. What goes around comes around. It does not pay to commit evil. Hope this guy realises his mistake quickly and gets his life back on track soon.

Oh ya. And I've been chatting with Jen over the phone more than ever now! Haha it's really rare for me to find people whom I can happily talk to for hours. =)

I originally planned to post up some recent pics, but I'm too sleepy to wait for all of them to upload.

Btw I'm extremely happy to have Lina as my chem lab partner now! She does titrations really fast and accurately. And I can talk to her, unlike my previous lab partner. Hahaha

Jen, I don't wanna swap lab partners with you anymore! =D I work better with girls. HAHA.

So everyone, stay real. =)

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