Sunday, 22 November 2009

Theories don't always apply in our lives.

Just flipped through this week's papers, and discovered that Nikon is still selling the D90 kit with the 18-105mm lens (and a few other free gifts which I don't need, other than the rather nice 8gb card... hehe.) at $1988.
(Audiohouse seems to be offering more attractive free gifts at that price, though.)


I thought change made the world go round.

Nikon just stopped my world from revolving for a millisecond. :P

That almost made me fly off tangentially.
(don't forget your circular motion, physics student.)

I thought the US dollar just depreciated against the Sing dollar. Why aren't our US imports cheaper? Why? Why is this so reminiscent of econs? :O
(it's ok if you forgot the exchange rate policies, though.)

8 more days, 1 week and a day has never felt like eternity.

On an even sadder note, my dad brought me into a Sony shop yesterday afternoon, and we were stunned by the prices (and arm-muscle-unfriendly sizes) of the alpha lenses. Especially those macro/wide angles I've been eyeing. Doubt the Nikkor ones would differ much from the alphas, then. Sigh. Rich man's hobby, huh. Guess I'll have to work hard for them! :)

On a happier note, my dad's new iphone casing matches mine. :D Mine's metallic pink; his is a very shiny silver. My mum's iphone now has a mirror-like screen protector! :D :D :D

And on an even happier note, Jael's new blog is now open! With 37 new captivating pictures of her cousin's wedding yesterday in her first post, you'll be shocked to know that she took them all with her sony ericsson phone. :) No kidding.

Hai. I'm pretty much in holiday/gaming/leisure reading mode already. Shall load my Michael Buble CD into my phone, and revise chemistry again.

Our much deserved break has never been so tantalizingly near.

I just hope that my A level results will be good enough to allow me to enter the electrical/electronics engineering course at NUS. I'll be delighted, really. :D

Be still, my beating geek heart.

This is quite funny! =D
Getting my D90 on 30th Nov, after the physics MCQ paper which marks the commencement of freedom!