Monday, 14 May 2007

Speedcubing is not for the weak-hearted

Speedcubing is currently one of my favourite hobbies! =D

I tried to learn the Fridrich(CFOP) method of solving the Rubik's Cube today.

And I was absolutely flabbergasted at the number of algorithms and cube configurations I had to memorise.

(it's about 50+ algorithms in total?! Refer to

THEREFORE, I am just going to stick to Tyson Mao's beginner method of solving the cube. Sigh. I'll leave Fridrich method for after the O levels. What a long wait.

I tried 'speed-solving' the cube today... and my timing is 2 minutes 53.73 seconds.
Which is absolutely NOT impressive,(and not exactly speed-solving) since 'speed-solving' the cube means solving the cube under 20 seconds. I'm really far from it for now. =P

(And I believe that around 10 seconds were probably wasted because my cube got constipated! ARGH! Does anyone know where to buy the original Rubik's cube??? =/)

My current aim is to solve it with the beginner's method in 60 seconds. =D hehe.

BTW, if you're interested to learn how to solve the cube, go to Tyson Mao's website at and download his tutorial for beginner cubers. I used it, and I think it's great.(the bad thing about it is that it doesn't have pictorial diagrams...), on the other hand, provides good diagrams.

And if you're going to visit those sites... Happy Cubing!

Tuesday, 8 May 2007

new layout!

Hello my fellow homosapiens!
What did you notice?????


The mid-years are over, and I finally got some time to design a PROPER photo-montage kind of thing. The fruit of my labour is seen on top. Einstein with a lollipop.

Here's a breakdown of what I had to do to get that picture:

1) Endless searching for HIGH RESOLUTION pictures of einstein sticking out his tongue.

(BTW, the tongue thing was not edited by me. Einstein REALLY stuck out his tongue in one of his pictures. If I'm not wrong, that picture was taken on one of his birthdays, and he decided to have some fun with the camera. Funny guy.)

2) Another round of searching for a scientific-looking person in a labcoat. In HIGH RESOLUTION. A picture of a doctor from was the best I could find. (furthermore, the original picture of the doctor already had a lollipop in his hand. GREAT!)

[I hereby express my thanks to Nina here for recommending me to go to THANKS NINA! =)]

(yes I have an obsession with high resolutions)

3) Cut out the doctor's face.

4) Cut out Einstein's face from the original picture of him. (some tough work here, his hair was a major problem since I wanted the edges to be perfectly smooth.)

5) Paste Einstein's face onto doctor's face, colour in einstein's face. (the original picture of him was in black and white, had to colour it in!)

6) Find some complicated-looking mathematical workings and put them in the background. Lower opacity of math workings.

7) Copy and paste some digits of Pi onto the left hand side of the picture... behind einstein. (Pi=3.141592653589793.....)

8) Smudge Albert's hair around to make it look less pixelated

9) Remove freckles from Albert's face, blur face to give the Botox effect.

10) Tah Dah~

Oh. I actually edited one of the Blogger templates (Rounders 2) by just placing my einstein pic at the top. And the result is what you see now. Shall be making more minor adjustments to this layout.

Lalala I'm very contented and happy with the current layout! =D
Can't stop beaming at it. HEHE.

And finally, some lame jokes for you.

There is this person named HAPPY. What is Happy's gender?

Answer: Male

Why?: Because of "Happy Male" (sounds abit like happy meal if you read it out loud)

What is Happy's occupation?
Answer: Nurse

Why? : Because of HappyNurse. (read that out loud quickly. happyNurse=Happiness)

Which shopping centre does Happy love to visit?
Answer: Lucky Plaza

Why? : Because "Happy go Lucky"

Why are all of Happy's friends living in trees?
Answer: Happy Tree Friends

---------------end of lame jokes----------------

Here's a TKGS joke from Su Ann:

What do you get when you push Mrs Judy Kong down the stairs?

Answer: J.K. Rowling

Note: With no offence to Mrs Kong here! She's a great PE teacher ok. =D


Wednesday, 2 May 2007


one of the nerdiest videos on Youtube available so far.

Better watch ah. You amaths student.


Sony's new Flash MP3 Player!

Click link below to see the minor specs:

And it's neat-looking. It's from Sony, and almost all Sony stuff have great designs.
The only question I have about this thing is...

HOW did Sony manage to build an actual functioning COLOURED display screen on some pink coloured mirror-looking thing?

HOW?? WHY?? I can't figure it out.

And oh yes... That's all there is to its looks, right?
Personally I think the COOLEST thing about it is its battery.

3mins charge=full battery life


P.S. It isn't a WalkLady, it's a WalkMan.
So why does it come in PINK?
Watch the video to find out.

Uh, you don't have to take the video seriously.